Aviso Legal

«ІNDUSTRIAS MADRILEÑAS DE LA CARNE, S.A. company (hereinafter referred to as – «Imacsa)», tax identification code: xxxxxxxxx, is a company which provides pork harvesting and its cold storage services with the legal address Rey Pastor, 22 - P.I. Nuestra Señora de Butarque , 28914, Leganés, España. This Disclaimer Statement is intended to regulate access, use, and, in general, the interaction of this Portal (hereinafter referred to as «website»), which is available on the Internet at www.imacsa.es and website users (hereinafter referred to as - «users»).


In order to ensure rapid and effective development of interaction between the Imacsa company and users, Imacsa by using this document guarantees the confidentiality of online services in accordance with the requirements of current legislation and informs users about its policy of protection of personal data in order to allow users to voluntarily provide their consent on the processing of personal data through the electronic order form which is located on the website of the company.

Users give their consent to the processing of personal data to the «IMACSA» company in accordance with this personal data protection policy.


Imacsa company guarantees the confidentiality of personal data provided by users and their automated processing in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation on personal data protection. (Constitutional Law 15/99 of 13-th December “On the protection of personal data”, Royal Decree 994/1999 of 11-th June, which approved the Safety Regulations for Automated Registries that contain personal data, as well as any legal acts on these issues).

Imacsa company guarantees the appropriate level of personal data protection as required by law, and takes all necessary rational measures and carries out technical measures to avoid loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of personal data. Despite this, the user should be aware that Internet security measures are mandatory.

Received personal data are automatically processing and entering to the relevant registers of Imacsa company.

By the time of transfer of personal data, Imacsa company provides users with all the necessary technical means to access the document on the Protection of personal data or any other important information, so users can give their consent to the automated processing of their personal data by «IMACSA» company.

Imacsa company reserves the right to make appropriate changes to this policy in order to adapt it to updates and requirements of current legislation and regulations, as well as industry practices, taking into account the legitimate interests of users or consumers. Some services available on the website may contain special conditions with specific provisions on the protection of personal data.


Collection and automated processing of personal data as a result of a user visiting the website pages, receiving advice, submitting requests or ordering services offered by Imacsa , company, except providing the user with personalized network access to the pages of the Imacsa, company website, are aimed at fulfilling the contractual relations established between the parties, as well as managing, administering, providing, expanding the range and improving the quality of services, which the user wants to receive, register or apply, and also aims to adapt the above services to the preferences and tastes of users.

Also, the collection of personal data is aimed at quantitative and qualitative analysis of visits and use of services by users, the development of new services related to the available services of the Imacsa company and their updates, and sending traditional and electronic means of technical, operational and other information related to specific parameters defined by the user in the Order Form, survey form or commercial or promotional information about products and services offered by Imacsa company or third parties that are its partners.

Answers to the question about personal data that appear in the Order Form with an asterisk (*) are required.

In one case, Imacsa company cannot use personal data of users for the purpose not expressly provided for by the above provisions, with the exception of prior notification of this on the website with the provision of an appropriate deadline for users to submit objections.

The user is not obliged to receive the above promotional materials, as well as the survey form, if he/she has confirmed his/her reluctance in the Service Order Form, offered by Imacsa, company, or sent a request to the following email address imacsa@imacsa.es. This email address is protected from spam bots. You need to activate JavaScript for its visualization or you can send a request to the postal address of Imacsa, Rey Pastor, 22 - P.I. Nuestra Señora de Butarque , 28914, Leganés, España Imacsa company acts as a simple diffuser in relation to "banners", advertising materials or other advertising media that appear on the website, except for services provided directly by Imacsa company.


Users retain the right of access, cancellation, modification and opposition to the processing, use and transfer of their personal data by sending a request to Imacsa, at the email address imacsa@imacsa.es or to the postal address of Imacsa, Rey Pastor, 22 - P.I. Nuestra Señora de Butarque , 28914, Leganés, España Also, users have the right to receive information about the purpose for which the company can use their data, as well as the transfer by the Imacsa company of their personal data to third parties who are partners of the Imacsacompany.


Imacsa » company will not transfer personal data of users collected through the WEBSITE to third parties without the express consent of the user, therefore, Imacsa company is obliged to provide the user with the opportunity to confirm or oppose the transfer of his/her personal data.

Imacsa company must inform the user about the transfer of his/her personal data to third parties, indicating the person’s legal successor and the purpose of the transfer of personal data.

In case of any questions, the user has the right to contact the company Imacsa by sending the corresponding request to the email address imacsa@imacsa.es or to the postal address of Imacsa, Rey Pastor, 22 - P.I. Nuestra Señora de Butarque , 28914, Leganés, España Notwithstanding the foregoing, when ordering certain services available on this website, the company may require the user to consent to the transfer of his/her personal data to third parties who are partners of the company, or to refuse to provide the corresponding service.

The user agrees that his/her personal data can be provided to third parties upon request of the competent administrative authorities or on the basis of a court decision.


With the aim of providing mediation services, «IMACSA» company or a third party, which is a partner of the company, by this document may use Cookies while users visit website pages. Cookies are files sent to the browser via a web server to record user actions on the website.

Cookies used by Imacsa company or third parties acting on behalf of this company are associated exclusively with the anonymous user and his/her computer and do not provide personal data. When the user allows the receipt of such data, he/she can get information about the server that uses Cookies and he/she should be familiar with the instructions for using the browser.

Thanks to Cookies, the server of the company Imacsa, or a third party who acts on its behalf has the ability to recognize the browser of the computer that the user uses to make the visit easier, and allows an access for users who have already been pre-registered to areas, services, promotions or contests, aimed exclusively for them without having to re-register each time you visit the website. They are also used to measure the number of audience and traffic parameters, monitor development and the number of visits of the website.

The user has the ability to configure his browser in order to receive on-screen notifications about accepting Cookies and to avoid installing them on his/her hard drive. Please read the instructions for using your browser for more information. To use the site, the user does not need to give permission to install Cookies directed by Imacsa company or by third parties acting on behalf of the company, with the exception of the need for the user to enter the personal cabinet for each service, the provision of which requires prior registration or entry.

Also, the web servers of the company Imacsa company automatically discover the IP addresses and domain names used by users. All this information is recorded in the server activity file, which allows for further data processing in order to obtain statistical measurements that allow you to find out the number of opening pages, the number of visits to electronic services, and the like.


Texts (information, concepts, thoughts and other similar materials) and graphic elements (design, logos, source code and other similar materials) which are contained on the website and distributed with its help, as well as presentation and establishment, are the exclusive property of Imacsa company, which owns the rights to use them on the basis of agreements with third parties.

Thus, all of the above materials are protected by a set of provisions of the legislation on intellectual property of Spain and the European Union, in accordance with Royal Decree Act 1/1996 of 12-th April, which approved the Full Text of the Law on Intellectual Property and Law 5/1998 of 6-th March “Incorporation into Spanish legislation of Directive 96/9 / CE on the legal protection of databases”, as well as international treaties and conventions on this issue.

Imacsa does not grant a license or permission to use industrial and intellectual property rights or any other property or rights associated with its website, unless it is agreed with third parties.

Users may reproduce the content of the SITE solely for the purpose of storage, backup or printing on paper for personal use.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, any reproduction, distribution, transformation, presentation, full or partial content of the SITE or any of its elements, directly or indirectly by telematics networks or similar means, for commercial purposes publicly or for use for purposes other than those mentioned, is prohibited, in exception with a formal written permission from Imacsa company and third parties (if applicable). Failure to comply with the above entitles Imacsa company to take the appropriate legal actions.


- Presentation of a website page within another web page that is not owned by «IMACSA» company, using a technique called framing, except the situations when the express written consent from Imacsa company is obtained.

- Using an image published on a website, page or database that does not belong to «IMACSA» company, using a technique called "in-line linking", except the situations when the express written consent from Imacsa company is obtained.

- Obtaining and using elements of the site, with or without causing any damage to «IMACSA» company, in accordance with the provisions of the Legislative Royal Decree of April 12, which approved the full text of the Law "On Intellectual Property" and the Law 5/1998 of March 6 "On the incorporation into Spanish legislation of Directive 96/9 / CE on the legal protection of databases”. Rights that have not previously been formally granted are also reserved for Imacsa company or, if appropriate, for third parties that are partners of the «IMACSA» company.

all commercial names, marks and special marks, logos, symbols, mixed, figurative or nominative marks that are displayed on this site, are owned by Imacsa company or has prior authorization or the right to use them, which is protected by applicable law.